The new standard of executive search for a scale-up

The Talent Bank. The modern form of Executive Search for a scale-up. Every investor and entrepreneur knows it: nothing pays off faster than hiring executives with the right mix of personality and expertise on time! Only with the deployment of the right people and teams do scale-ups realise their potential.

The search for the right management talent is often laborious and time-consuming. The Talent Bank turns that process around by presenting Scale-up executives anonymously on our matching platform.

All executives are personally selected by us and their development potential is validated. This gives us a good insight into the person behind the professional, his/her/their qualities, ambitions and leadership style. The Talent Bank increases the chances of a successful ‘match’ and thus of achieving your scale-up’s objectives.

executive search werkgever
  • Personal and expert support from one of our consultants throughout the process
  • Unlimited access to the elevator pitches of validated executives
    If you are interested in an executive, you can contact the consultant without obligation and free of charge
  • A fixed fee of €9,995 per placed executive, regardless of the remuneration package
  • Executives who know what they want and are open to a new challenge
  • Comprehensive selection criteria on hard and soft competencies
  • Fast access to a selected range of high-quality executives
  • Control of your own Executive search approach

De Talentbank. The new standard of executive search for a scale-up.

Een scale-up wordt in ieder geval gekenmerkt door 1 constante: verandering! De koers kan snel wijzigen, prioriteiten verschuiven en processen worden voortdurend geoptimaliseerd. Je moet je dus comfortabel voelen met het wijzigen van prioriteiten, in staat zijn om te sturen op nieuwe omstandigheden en om kunnen gaan met ups & downs. Dat vergt doorzettingsvermogen, Veerkracht en Flexibiliteit.